
Dear friends, lovers of music and art, we are pleased to welcome you to our Music and Art International Academy website. The creation of this Academy stems from the initiative and effort of Maestro Giuliano Mazzoccante, renowned pianist born in Chieti, as a tribute not only to art, but also to his hometown, rich in history and culture.

The Academy benefits from the collaboration with both Full (Basic classes) and Visiting Academics (Master Classes); it also organises cultural events, mainly centred on music, but also involving other arts.

However, the Academy’s primary target is, and remains, the performance training of young music talents, in order to help them give their best in those competitions and concerts, that will mark their careers.

This website is meant to be the Academy’s constant reference point: here they will be communicated all of the appointments, opportunities, and, finally, all of the specific and special trainings provided.